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Key Benefits

So why use SitesManager? These some of the key business benefits that differentiate SitesManager from other products..

We include all solutions needed for total operational & commercial control for a monthly license fee.

Why pay more for less?

Total Visibility
& Accessibility

No more searching around for documents & emails. All project related information stored in a central document structure.


Always know the operational status & program performance of projects, with KPI driven dashboards


Always know the commercial position of projects with KPI driven dashboards, Be aware if costs are spirralling out of control

Save On Hire

Protect against hire damage claims with local auditing proving condition on arrival. Always be alerted about on/off hire dates

Plant / Inventory

Plant & equipment audited on site so movement tracked and latest locations always known. Inventory & costs stored against projects/sites.

Health & Safety

KPI driven dashboards show instant visibility of compliance performance and all inspections & non-conformance reports.

Low Cost Quick

No substantial upfront cost, and we do the implementation so you don't have to; digitizing forms (audits), importing resources etc.

No Contract
No Lock In!

Monthly license fee based on user access, terminate any time. App only users at reduced rate.

Cloud Based

No IT infrastructure required. We use a market leader for our private servers - your data security & growth is guaranteed